Monday, February 8, 2016

First Day

Teeter-totters. I used to both love and hate playing on the teeter-totter as a kid. It mostly depended on how vicious me or my brothers were feeling at the time. When things were good, we'd be singing Farmer Brown, farmer Brown, let me down...what will you give me Charlie Brown?and playing would be funny and civil - the teeter would totter smoothly and frequently. On other days, it would be a hellish game. One person would be trying to rattle the other off of the bench or trying to make them slam their butt against the ground... or just hop off when they weren't looking and were stranded up in the air. We were such nice kids :)

Today I arrived in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. This was my first time visiting Vietnam and I'll be living here for the next two years. I've done a lot of traveling for work in China and Taiwan so I figured I had a pretty good idea of what it might be like and so I sprang for this opportunity. One day in and as I reflect on how the day went, I thought of being on a teeter-totter. At times I was feeling so excited and joyful, I couldn't keep a grin off my face... and then everything would tip and I would feel a sickening terror. Terror of 'holy shit, what did I get myself into.' *

Up and down, joy and terror... and a few calm moments of teetering that line. I finally ended the day on a high note and have decided that everything is going to be just fine. What ultimately pushed me to that joyful place was one of the best meals I've had in a long time. A delicious bowl of vegetable Pho and an iced tea.
 After the first bite, I could feel every part of my body relax. It was so delicious and I thought that no matter what craziness or frustration I would endure in the years to come, I'll be able to sit down and eat a bowl of Pho and will be instantly happy. Happiness in life can be that simple.

*note: hey friends and family, know that nothing bad or scary happened, I was never in danger and things seem to be very safe here! Mom, don't freak out.


  1. Woo hoo! Congratulations on surviving your first day!

    I came to the same conclusion - that life is a teeter totter - while watching this video the other day.

    Have fun exploring and I'll see you in a few days.

    1. hahaha, that's a great video! See you soon!

    2. Hi we're glad you made it safe and sound. the pictures are beautiful. we're celebrating Scott's birthday and hope you had a great valentines day. Can you receive texts?we'll have to get your mom set up on computer. Well take care and always have a buddy with you. Love and miss you Karin, Roger, Scott, Chrissy, Chloe and Cooper :)

  2. Love this and love you! Excited to read more as you explore.

    1. Thanks lady! Can't wait to get you guys out here! Miss you!

  3. Glad you made it safe and are enjoying yourself. Those highs/lows will's all in how you handle it. And I know you are going to KILL IT! :-) Miss you already!

    1. Thanks Steph! Today was already much better. I think I'm seriously going to like it here. Cheers!

  4. pho and iced tea...that DOES sound like heaven!
